We help choirs by recording part-learning tracks of choral pieces and arrangements of all of our music which we make available as downloadable MP3s. These tracks – Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Baritone, Bass – enable singers who aren’t confident readers of music to sing along to a professional recording of their vocal line to help them to learn it.  The other vocal lines are quieter in the mix so that each vocal line is “highlighted” against the others.

Visit L’Estrange Music to browse all of our music and to listen to demo recordings. Part-learning tracks are already recorded for all of our pieces and we are gradually adding them to the web shop. In the meantime, feel free to email info@lestrangemusic.com and we can email you the MP3s directly.

“What Alexander and Joanna are able to produce at Old Stable Studios is extraordinary. They are both supremely gifted musicians, as singers, composers and producers, and very efficient. It’s always a joy to work with them.”

— Jonathan Howard, The King’s Singers

Alexander L'Estrange sound engineering a session at Old Stable Studios

Alexander L’Estrange, Old Stable Studios